Sankofa Wisdom Oils - Experience the Power of Nature

An Essential Oil Business for Living a Holistic Life

Explore our Selection of Exquisite Sankofa Wisdom Oils

  • Elevate Your Lifestyle with Sankofa Wisdom Oils

All of our oil recipes are God-given for you and your particular needs. Essential oils have been used since the 1st century. For example, all of our oil combinations contain Spikenard, which was the oil used by Mary on Jesus’ feet. The name Sankofa comes from the Ghanaian language of Twi. It translates to “Return and Get It.”  As we keep moving forward, we must remember the wisdom of the past and use it to benefit others in the future. That is our mission statement. We use the ancient knowledge of essential oils to help you become more healthy.  

Discover the essence of our brand

Experience the natural healing power of our Sankofa Wisdom Oils.